What Is the First Case of Alien Abduction?

What Is the First Case of Alien Abduction?

While many assume that the Betty and Barney Hill case was the first case of alien abduction in modern times, this is actually a misconception. The Hill abduction, while being the first case of an US Alien Abduction, was actually the second reported case in modern times.

The first case of abduction was actually Antonia Villas Boas, who was a Brazilian Farmer in the interior in 1954. Boas chose to work at night to avoid the extreme heat, which is when his encounter took place. Most curious though, is that Boas, after revealing his story to a Doctor, was examined, and found to be suffering from radiation poisoning. The lesions that would form would last for six months, and after a few years, the effects faded in entirety.

Boas claimed to have been forcibly abducted by Alien being approximately five feet in height, and taken on board their spaceship. Once there he was de-clothed, scrubbed with some sort of cleansing gel, and the led to a room, where a very fair attractive humanoid female seemed to be waiting on him. He felt a strong urge to have sex with her, which he did.

Afterward, she made a motion to her stomach, and then towards space, indicating that the conception would be raised among the stars. Boas was allowed a small tour of the ship, but was immediately forced out when he started to steal a clock-like device to prove the encounter.

Whatever the cause, the tale was unique, and interested. It had documented elements, but was largely overlooked. It faded to obscurity, and really wasn’t known about in the US, except to a few specific researchers.