What is the Perfect Breakfast Before a Triathlon?

What is the Perfect Breakfast Before a Triathlon?

An important lesson is to make sure you know your perfect breakfast before race day. I speak to a lot of triathletes who try new energy gels for the first time on race day only to find out they did not suit. Triathletes should test out different energy drinks and gels under simulated race conditions to find out their specific preferences and the same holds true for finding your perfect breakfast.

You should have your breakfast about two hours before the triathlon start. Anything less than that and you should really stick with liquids as this also helps with hydration.

Here are 5 top Triathlon breakfasts especially for Sprint or Olympic sized events.

1. Wholegrain toast with mashed banana topping.

2. Low-fat pancakes drizzled with honey or maple syrup with raspberries and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

3. Porridge with chopped banana or blueberries and yoghurt on top.

4. Bread with tahini (ground sesame seed spread) and honey.

5. Fruit and nut cereals and wholegrain oats with low-fat milk.

Remember to keep hydrated. Having a couple of glasses of water or juice (orange or grapefruit) to wash down your breakfast is recommended. If you have less than two hours and do not have time for a solid meal, try juicing fruit and vegetables, like apples, pears, oranges, mangos, beetroot, celery, broccoli, carrots, fennel, spinach and ginger. Freshly juiced drinks are particularly useful for those early morning training sessions, when you need to have something in your stomach, but have not got time to get up too early for breakfast.

One other addition for the breakfast table is coffee…. yes, freshly ground coffee does work well before exercise. Ok, excessive amounts can cause dehydration, but a moderate amount of one or two cups can actually improve your performance by providing you with an increased mental and physical state to work at a higher rate of intensity. Like the breakfasts listed above, try to find your own personal preference and optimum caffeine level. One cup is enough for me. Any more and I start to feel a little too wired before racing and I much prefer entering the race start in a relaxed and calm state of mind.

Do not be tempted to skip breakfast. It is considered the most important meal of the day. It is natural to feel a little nervous or have a few butterflies in your stomach before the start of your first or any triathlon race. After a good nights sleep, it is important for your body to have some carbohydrates to top up your depleted internal muscle and liver glycogen stores.