What to Say to a Girl – A Little Secret Every Guy Should Know

What to Say to a Girl – A Little Secret Every Guy Should Know

Here’s something I think you should know: it doesn’t really matter you say to a girl. What matters is HOW you say it. Well, before you start slapping your forehead let me tell you something else that will blow your mind — girls love guys who act like themselves. When a guy doesn’t appear like they’re hitting on a girl then that would definitely catch their attention, especially the prettier ones. If you’ve been trying to dig deep into your brain figuring out what to say to a girl that will make you look attractive and interesting, try to examine yourself first.

Do you have the right attitude?  Do you see yourself as someone confident, self-assured, attractive and smart? Building self-worth is your primary girl to be able to know exactly how to be interesting to girls. Girls love it when they are complimented, admired and desired. You, on the other hand, should not even think of coming up with pick up lines, no matter how clever you think they are. Value a girl’s intelligence and let her know you take her ideas and stories seriously. Most guys only look at a girl physically — a pretty face, a nice body, a deep cleavage — while girls want to be appreciated of their personality. Sure, they’re hot, but they already know that. So try to take the road less traveled.

Smooth talkers can be cool, but most girls will definitely see a red light signal and will not pursue the conversation with you further. Instead, ask her, genuinely, about her opinions, ideas and beliefs, putting interest on what she has to say rather than to what she is. Girls can get riled big time when you seem detached and only after for her answer. And the good news is, she’ll stick around longer.

For actual questions and specific lines to say to a girl, visit my website for more details. Get lucky with the ladies in a short period of time and look forward for your dating and flirting life from now on!