What’s So Special About Egyptian Cotton?

What’s So Special About Egyptian Cotton?

Egyptian cotton has become a very popular catch phrase these days. Back in the day, it was a very expensive commodity that only the well to do could afford. Because it was not something regular folk could buy there weren’t many places where you could find towels and linens made from Egyptian cotton. My how things have changed. People have discovered the luxury and comfort of this cotton and now you can find it at reasonable prices in many different stores.

Today’s generations equate softness and luxury with anything made from Egyptian cotton. There is no equal in these categories. What is the secret? Well, what makes this type of cotton so special is that it is spun from extra long staple cotton which is primarily grown in Egypt. The traits of the staple cotton provide the items manufactured from it with their ultimate softness and expensive touch.

Very few people however, realize that this cotton plant was planted in the United States and harvested back as early as the 1800s. The American species is known as “Gossypium Barbadense”. During the Civil War there was a real need for cotton to make the soldiers’ uniforms. The production of these and other items attracted the attention of the textile business in Europe and beyond. Investments began pouring in especially from the British who recognized this as a great find for expanding their cotton made manufacturing industry.

The use of the words “Egyptian cotton” does not necessarily mean that the cotton used to make bath towels or linens is the highest grade of Egyptian cotton. It simply means that the particular item has been made from cotton grown in Egypt. These products will still provide you with good value for your money but will probably not bring you the pleasure you would get out of owning linens made from the original, high grade cotton that Egypt has become famous for.

As in any industry, the cotton manufacturers figured out a cheaper way to produce their wares. They started using the short stapled cotton which also came from Egypt and was much easier to grow. Both types of cotton were from Egypt and so the makers of Egyptian cotton products were not lying when they advertised using the famous slogan, Egyptian cotton. If you want to be sure that you are getting the soft, luxurious cotton you desire read the label carefully. Buy it only if it clearly states the manufacturer used long staple Egyptian cotton. Also, check the thread counts. If you want the ultimate in softness and comfort you will need the highest thread counts available.

OK, so now you know you need a bath towel with a high thread count but what does that mean exactly? Don’t let it confuse you. It is a manufacturing term used in the cotton industry describing the number of threads per square inch. This rating is used to differentiate between a lower grade of production and one that provides the quality absorbency and softness you are looking for. A higher thread count will also give you durability ensuring your beautiful linens will stand the test of time.

Egyptian cotton is head over heels the best cotton out there for all your bath and bedding needs. There is no sign that any other can even get close when it comes to long lasting comfort, amazing softness and true luxury.

How many times do you use a towel each day? How many hours do you spend in bed each year? Imagine bundling yourself up in a luxurious Egyptian cotton bath towel or a high thread count cotton sheet made in Egypt. Want to feel like an Egyptian king? Get yourself some of the best made cotton bath towels on the planet today and start living like one.