Who Hires More Illegal Aliens; Car Washes VS Construction?

Who Hires More Illegal Aliens; Car Washes VS Construction?

Have you considered which industries in United States of America hire the most illegal aliens? Some say it is the construction industry and they would be right, as they do hire a tremendous number of illegal immigrants and illegal aliens.

Others might say that the landscaping industry hires the most illegal aliens and they too would be right as you would be hard pressed to find a crew of landscapers in any major U.S. city, which did not have some illegal aliens or illegal immigrants on it. But have ever considered car washes and how many illegal aliens and illegal immigrants they hire that come from Mexico and will work for lower wages?

Well let me tell you the car was association has considered this and they are worried that some of their members and many of the 49,000 car washes and United States of America will become targets of public outrage and it will very severely hurt the industry, as far as I’m concerned that is their problem may be the choice to hire the illegal aliens the first place. They decided they wanted to make more profits, skip payroll taxes and exploit Mexican illegal immigrants by hiring them in pain them very low wages.

If all the sounds rotten in Denmark to you you’re correct and a few are outraged and want to do something about it I suggest you call your local border patrol office and get them to raid your local carwash to send a message to these industries that this is unacceptable and you will not tolerate illegal it immigrants in our country any longer. If you are a true American you will do this and if you are not you won’t. Consider this and 2006.