Why a Major War Is Overdue – Part Two

Why a Major War Is Overdue – Part Two

The earth is experiencing the promises of the Spirit as set out in Old Testament Prophecies. The plan of God is directed against man for other reasons than that of the evil that is upon it. While mankind sought to create a paradise of his own making God has other plans. The creation of it was to serve a purpose that has now come to an end. While total destruction is part of it there are some who will not be involved.

The Spirit is not enraged but growing and the body in which it has done that are collectively the children of Israel. This is the most misunderstood part of the bible. They are not a nation or even a race. They are the ones who are spiritual within and they are part of everything in all locations.

My reincarnation is a wake up call about how far out religious thinkers are and why heaven and hell is their impression of the after-life. Space exploration is proof positive that there is no such place as heaven while hell is a determination designed to create fear. If they were real and God was a king in a palace in the sky would these words be pertinent:

"… the host of heaven shall be dissolved … and all their host shall fall down …" Isaiah 34: 4

The 'host' comprises all the angels, saints, and others that the religious leaders claim are up there. That also includes the Trinity, because none of these things exist.

What does exist, however, is the Great Spirit of the Universe, and that is a huge intelligence that man chooses to ignore. It is present in all of creation and what it laid down is an outline of a plan to bring the spiritual people to maturity in a world of evil and conflict. It has done that and there is no need for the rest of the human race to remain.

As they have no sense of spirituality and their dreams are nothing more than hot air they are in a position to now destroy the world, according to what the Spirit laid down. Nothing man can do will change the outcome.

It seems to be a sad state of affairs but the evil forces have destroyed any chance of a better outcome and they start with religions and the false gods.

"They lavish gold … and weight silver … and hire a goldsmith: and he maketh it a god, they fall down … they worship. They bear him on their shoulder, they carry him, and set him in his place … and cry unto him, yet can he not answer, nor save … " Isaiah 46: 6,7

This is how man's intelligence compares with the real God that he tried to usurp. By declaring a male god as his maker and savior those who worship 'him' have sealed their doom.

To destroy the evil the Spirit is about to destroy the world that is its home.