Why Are Rx Drugs Prescribed? The Reasons Behind the Prescriptions

Why Are Rx Drugs Prescribed? The Reasons Behind the Prescriptions

It is evident that more and more people are turning their back on ineffective and even dangerous forms of medicine which rely solely on drugs and surgery to treat disease and banish symptoms. These people are no longer victims of allopathy (traditional medicine) and iatrogenic illness (doctor induced illness). Iatrogenic illness could be caused by a number of things such as; adverse effects of prescription drugs, adverse effects of surgery, prescribing the wrong drug, performing the wrong surgery, or even an adverse reaction to the influenza vaccine.

In June 1998, an article titled: Doctors Gamble with Rx Drugs was published in Business & Health. The article focused on a self assessment completed by 250 physicians for the American Medical Association. Six out of every Ten of those 250 physicians admitted that they rely solely on claims made by drug companies when prescribing new drugs or using new medical devices. Just as disturbing is the fact that nearly one in every seven of those 250 physicians admitted that they do not refer to their Physicians’ Desk Reference when prescribing new and unfamiliar drugs to their patients. These physicians admitted that they do not refer to any other resource (besides the manufacturers’ claims) when prescribing drugs.

The article in the June 1998 issue of Business & Health also explained that a team of researchers at the University of Toronto reported that adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients is the forth leading cause of death in the United Stated. What’s even more shocking is the fact that only drugs that were properly prescribed and administered were counted in this study before the researchers reached their conclusion. All adverse drug reactions associated with overdose, abuse, noncompliance, and therapeutic failure were excluded from the study.

It is clear that medical doctors are “crisis oriented” and possess no knowledge of alternative therapies which are effective at preventing and treating disease. Allopaths have their “magic bullets” like drugs, which they use to attack disease whereas practitioners of alternative therapies have no need to attack disease; instead, they prevent it from invading the human body in the first place. It also seems as if there is no need for allopathic advice since most allopaths simply listen to the drug companies claims when it is time to guess which drugs to give their patients. So, if you’re interested in a drug, do as your doctor does and just watch the commercials.

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