Why Choose Odoo CMS For Your Website

Why Choose Odoo CMS For Your Website

Odoo is a fully web-based application that provides multi user management supporting without any hurdle. It is one of the best open source platforms with a suite of business apps. A well integrated Odoo system helps you streamline your business activities with standardized solutions. Along with apps for various business functions, Odoo also has a CMS option using which businesses can make customer facing websites. But Odoo CMS is up against formidable competitors in the CMS space in the form of WordPress, Joomla and Drupal, the three leading CMS platforms.

Having said that, Odoo has something that other standalone CMS platforms don’t have – the ability to natively integrate with other business systems like CRM, accounting, inventory management, supply chain management, etc. Because Odoo is an ERP suite consisting of various other business apps, it is in a unique position to leverage that for its CMS for businesses looking to have more than just an information dissemination website and looking for a front facing website for the various business applications and systems.

Let’s look at some of these areas where Odoo CMS has the advantage.

1. Easy Inventory Management

Let say you want to display the stock availability of your products on your website for your dealers and distributors, you can do so easily with Odoo using the inventory management module. You can even track inventory in a real time manner using gadgets like mobile phone or tablet, to stay in control from distant places.

2. Better HR Management

Because Odoo CMS is integrated natively with the HR module of Odoo suite, vacancy related details will get automatically updated on the website. With a separate employee login on the website you can update them about their leaves, appraisal, holidays, etc without having to custom develop a separate module for it.

3. Native eCommerce Capabilities

If you want to add an online store to your website, you can again do so easily with the native Odoo eCommerce module. Though other CMSs also have eCommerce options now, they are not as well integrated with other business systems as Odoo. With Odoo all your sales information will be integrated with sales modules, revenue will be tracked in the accounting module and customer details can be managed easily with the Odoo CRM app.

4. In-Built Marketing Capabilities

With Odoo you can conduct surveys and use survey data in your customer interaction, do email marketing natively and provide customer care online through in-built live chat functionality. You can also create events, update event details on the website and promote your event through integrated emailing capabilities.

5. Better Community Management

Want a Q&A platform like Quora or Yahoo Answers on your website? You can use Odoo community module to create such a platform easily. You can add as many users as possible and create a thriving community of followers where you can address their issues or just allow them to create their own content. All this is possible for free with Odoo.