Why Do Guys Confuse Girls? Here Are Some of the Major Reasons Why This Tends to Happen a Lot

Why Do Guys Confuse Girls? Here Are Some of the Major Reasons Why This Tends to Happen a Lot

Just like women play hard to get to attract a man a guy a guy plays the game of confusion with the girl. The end result of this is the same in both the cases. They both want to up their value. Here are some of the reasons why guys confuse girls.

It makes them more desirable
It ups a man’s desire quotient in front of a woman when he has the ability to confuse her. She gets all wrapped up in what he has to say and his hot and cold attitude leaves her a little stunned. But at the same time it makes him more desirable to the woman.

It helps in getting the bad boy image
Good boys go to heaven and bad boys have all the fun. By being a confusing man he gets the opportunity to get a devil-may-care attitude and the image of a bad boy. And almost all girls want to be with such a bad boy.

It helps in leaving an impact
When a man confuses a woman it helps him in leaving his impression on the woman. She will be confused by his reactions and hence will try to figure him out and in the process she will be thinking of him all the time. At the end of the day the guy gets his girl thinking about him and that is what he wants.

It helps them get an aura of intrigue around them
When a man is able to confuse a woman it builds an aura of intrigue around them. No can predict what he is going to say or how he is going to act the next instant. This intrigue helps him in keeping the girl hooked on to him.

They don’t want to be stereotyped
Some men don’t want to be stereotyped or slotted as a particular “type”. He wants his girl to keep guessing what he really is and hence keeps confusing her to keep her attention all on himself. It definitely gives him an edge over others as she will be the one trying to figure him out instead of the other way around.

It keeps things interesting
Also much like men, a lot of women too enjoy the chase as much as the hunt. Confusing her keeps the spark alive and keeps her hooked on to him.

He wants to keep things light
Lastly a guy will confuse a girl when he doesn’t want things to move too fast. He wants to enjoy the initial part of the relationship long enough before getting serious and hence keeps confusing her.