Why Do Nice Guys Get Bullied All the Time?

Why Do Nice Guys Get Bullied All the Time?

Let me tell you something, I was a victim of severe bullying myself. However, I only saw myself as the victim at that time. Today I don’t feel like a victim. Now, I see a whole other dynamic. You see… I was never a victim. I was the one who looked the most weak and wimpy. so that I allowed everyone to take advantage of me.

Of course, being weak and a nice guy shouldn’t give other kids permission to bully you, but hey, that is how the world works. Nice guys get bullied, accept that.

There is a reason for this

Nice guys usually end up victims because they don’t give even the slightest of resistance. They think that being nice and giving in all the time will ultimately save them from all the trouble. Remember, even though the physical bullying might happen only at a school-age, psychological bullying might continue your whole life.

Let me tell you my short story. In school, I was physically big, but I had absolutely no confidence and no self-esteem. I was one of the biggest victims of bullying in my school. They usually had no reason to pick on me, since I didn’t cause any trouble for anybody. But what does that matter? They didn’t need much of a reason. They say that children tend to be evil. I think that is not true. They tend to be the same as adults, the only difference being that kids are more honest and will not hide their intentions so much as adults will. Children will act it out, while adults will passively aggressively channel it in other ways.

I was picked on simply because I looked like an easy target. I was smiling all the time, so afraid to get into situations that would produce conflict and tension. I was horrified of getting even close to women, let alone talking to them or attempting any flirtation. It was not a nice experience, but I learned a lot from it.