Why Does a Guy Ignore You Once He Knows You Like Him? Here is the Answer You Are Looking For

Why Does a Guy Ignore You Once He Knows You Like Him? Here is the Answer You Are Looking For

Has it ever happened that you have really liked a guy you were seeing and told him so? And the minute you told him that, he started to ignore you? If you have been wondering why this happened then you should read on and find out the real reason.

The excitement isn’t there anymore
Men are all about mystery. They like a woman to be enigmatic and mysterious and want to be the ones who unravel the mystery called the woman. Once you tell him that you like him you cease to be an enigma and hence are of no interest to him.

He doesn’t find you attractive enough
Once you have told him that you like him the attraction that he felt for you begins to diminish. Now if you are a super hot chick then he might try to hang on for a bit longer. But if you an ordinary person then he will just not find you attractive enough anymore and will begin to ignore you.

You have made him feel insecure in some way
When you tell a guy that you like him then you are also weaving in some bit of insecurity in him. He will feel that you came on too strongly, are too imposing or maybe are going to be too authoritative for him to handle.

You said you like him too soon
Sometimes it is not about saying what you are saying but when you are saying it. If you got the timing wrong and told him that you like him too soon then he’s going to run. For him you are moving too fast and he does not want to get tied down so fast.

He feels that you are too needy
You said that you like him without really gauging where he is standing in the ‘relationship’. According to him you look desperate and needy and he classifies you as a clingy woman who cannot wait and weigh out her decision. Hence he chooses to ignore you.

You don’t remain mysterious enough for him
As mentioned earlier, men like some mystery. He doesn’t want you to be an open book. He wants to be the explorer who slowly reveals the feelings that lie buried in you and also identifies them for you. By telling him that you like him you take away this excitement form him and don’t remain mysterious anymore.

He might feel like you are dragging him down
Your confession might begin to make him feel chained and he might feel that you are forcing a commitment down his throat. So he chooses to ignore you.