Why I Am Enjoying Running an E-Commerce Storefront

Why I Am Enjoying Running an E-Commerce Storefront

First, the e-commerce storefront business is hard for people to understand indeed – especially those who are standing on the outside looking in.

I know this because, initially, it was hard for me to wrap my mind around it. e-commerce is an invisible – virtual – world that only those who dare to step inside can enjoy genuinely.

Over the past months, being the e-commerce specialist allows me to exercise my talents as a creative and independent thinker.

It is fantastic working in an industry that plays such a big part of my life. Think about it.

When I order online – and that is just about every day – it is my chance to see the newest trends and technical advancements in action and be excited to make the e-commerce storefront even better.

As designed, the e-commerce business has a B2B structure with a B2C (e-tailing) side; and the only real need is not being opposed to change.

I cannot think of another profession that is such an extraordinary microcosm of all the fundamental skills of business.

E-Commerce exposes me to all phases of the business. Such as

  • management;
  • solution selling;
  • cross-selling and up-selling;
  • customer relations;
  • product sourcing and buying;
  • setting prices;
  • online merchandising;
  • customer acquisition;
  • supply chain management;
  • working with wholesalers, manufacturers, and distributors;
  • database and website management;
  • creative writing;
  • email marketing;
  • internet marketing;
  • affiliate marketing;

so so much more.

Amazing, right? Yes, I agree that it is impressive.

So many jobs let me see a piece of the puzzle, but never the entire enterprise at work.

The beauty of e-commerce is the instant feedback received from customers, which allows me to “feel” the customer and gain insight into the customer’s mind and their wants.

I learn from that feedback, and then quickly come up with different business strategies.

Working in e-commerce is similar to my previous training business, in that it allows me to test new business ideas, learn marketing strategies fast; and get results in real-time. That is unique.

As you can probably tell by now, the e-commerce business is very dynamic. However, continuous change can become exhausting, which will be too much for some people. That is the nature of this type of business. I suggest that new-comers can take it slow by focusing on a few things, then pick up the rest later – or not.

If you are hunting for a new business opportunity or career, e-commerce will give you the chance to challenge yourself while, hopefully, having a direct impact on changing the lives of others for the better.

Before you get started, know your “why.” Why are you starting an e-commerce business at this stage of your life? I ask you this because the e-commerce business will challenge you in new ways.

The more you understand your belief in the products and services you offer in your e-commerce storefront, the more loyal customers you will get. It is a very hands-on business. So again, ask yourself if you can deal with the daily grind of running an e-commerce business.

If you are the type of person that likes to have total control of your earnings or a hands-off approach, know your “why” and your passion truly. In the long game, that knowing and understanding will help keep you inspired and, hopefully, lead you to success.

If you have questions, leave a comment below. I am happy to help.