Why It Favors You To Promote Your Products On eBay

Why It Favors You To Promote Your Products On eBay

When it comes to eBay, the world is yours. In fact, in comparison to the price of advertising for your own website – versus eBay… it actually FAVORS you to promote your products on eBay. I want to explain to you why. In fact, let’s take a look at the quick math behind this concept.

If you have a website and you want to advertise to reach as many people as possible, what sites would you go to for placing ads on? I can tell you a few right now:

– Google AdWords

– Bing Ads

– 7search

– Blog advertising

– Ezine advertising

– Forum advertising

– Amazon

Now those are only a handful of sites (out of hundreds) that you could promote your product on. But here’s the kicker: How much money do you think you would have to spend on EACH one of these sites to get started with? Well, I can tell you right now, the absolute minimum that people are spending is around $25. Fine and dandy right? But you have to hope that people actually view your ad, click on your link, and buy from you.

This can be quite challenging especially if you’ve never done any advertising online, or you don’t know how to do free marketing online effectively. And this is actually quite typical for people who have their own websites.

Here’s where it differs from eBay. On eBay, you can list your item up for sale and have it readily viewable for thousands (if not millions) of people within your niche. eBay gets so much traffic on a daily basis that this scenario is not far fetched. In fact, they get millions of visitors to their site everyday… people who are actually looking to BUY something. Sounds great right?

If you sell a $30 product on your website, you will probably need to seriously invest $100 – $200 as a “test”. On eBay, you can list this same product for the small cost of under $5. And it can even remain up there for 30 days if you want. If it’s in a niche where there aren’t a lot of competitors… your product will more than likely show up on the first page of eBay’s search results – despite the fact that you have a 30-day listing. Great huh?

Now eBay is very competitive, but if you can find something that people want and are willing to buy… the sky’s the limit. I used to be an eBay Powerseller and Top Rated Seller, before I switched to selling on my own website (I wanted more profits). So I know what I’m talking about.

eBay is easy. Period. Well… you won’t get rich instantly. You have to put in some work. Don’t think you can list your computer’s mouse pad on eBay and sell it for $20 and make it sell instantly. You have to be more practical in terms of niche selection, what people are looking for, the demand, and of course… the price. Do all of these things, and you are sure to have success on eBay. Good luck!