Why North Korea Is Not Threatening The USA Today

Why North Korea Is Not Threatening The USA Today

The President of North Korea knows that he doesn't have to send missiles to threaten the United States because it is starting its own war within the country. What the rest of the world is seeing and most shocked about is the attitude of the President in response to the race riots in Charlottesville. He not only appears to condone them but has been taking advice from the leader of the riot and also the head of the White Supremacist Movement.

Videos showing an interview with the latter who used the same words as Trump did at a press conference 2 hours later confirms they were in discussions. This has heightened awareness that the situation is not only intolerable but the country will soon implode on itself.

What is happening here is the man has taken over an institution of long-standing civil rights and peaceful acceptance of people of all race, color, and creeds. His agenda is more targeted at removing those he considers 'undesirable' citizens, even those who are the descendants of the slaves who helped to build the country into what it is today.

Many of those targeted in the riots and by his vitriolic rhetoric are either veterans, who served in foreign wars, or are friends, relatives, or supporters of them. His lack of concern for the deaths of three innocent people has shown his true character.

The Black-Americans are there because of the kidnapping and brutal treatment dished out to their ancestors when they were snatched from foreign countries to make some wealthy. Others have arrived after fleeing devastation in their home-lands and have found sanctuary there under the rule of previous Presidents.

My anger at what has been shown on local television in Australia is deep because of my spirituality and memory of reincarnation. Everyone has returned because we are in the last days. Some have returned as black skinned, some as other colors, and some as white. This I know because I was a man in my last life and a woman in this one.

Changing from one race to the other is part of God's punishment because what we do in life has been noted and now the retribution is coming. The world is on the brink of major change and it sits on a precipice of destruction that will not end before the majority are dead. This is noted in the Old Testament prophecies and they are coming true:

"The dead of God shall be at that day from one end of the earth to the other …" Isaiah 25:33

It is unlikely that Kim Jong-un has read these prophecies but he is one the players that will make it happen. Donald Trump is another. If America goes to war with itself it will be all the easier for him to continue to produce nuclear warheads that may ultimately reach many countries, including Australia.

The world is on tender hooks and there is little respect for what the White House is about at this time. The question is how long the situation will prevail before the end comes?