Why Powerful Men Are Sexy Men

Why Powerful Men Are Sexy Men

Success and power cause middle-aged men’s testosterone levels to surge, resulting in a perennial game of seduction with all sorts of women.

On the other hand, it is noted that unsuccessful middle-aged men are rarely able to attract beautiful women. The reason for this: power is an aphrodisiac. The saying is true that the attractiveness of a man usually depends on his prowess and skills, rather than his physical appearance. Whenever a man wins at something or anything, his testosterone level shoots up. Instantly!

It has often been assumed that men are the rational and logical sex and that women are at the mercy of their fluctuating hormones. As a matter of fact, it is the other way around. Recent research into the comparatively new science of psycho-endocrinology has established that male hormone levels fluctuate daily, and there can be huge surges both up and down at the different times of the day.

Whether the hormone levels are high or low depends on what kind of day the man is having. When everything goes well his hormone level goes up, but a particularly bad day, sends his hormone dipping precariously low.

It is known that testosterone, the main male hormone, is responsible for a large amount of male sexual behaviour. It is the hormone which determines the male sex drive. If a man has been castrated, either physically or chemically, so that testosterone levels remain extremely low, the first thing he loses is his sex drive.

Thus, testosterone is widely used to promote the sex drive in both men and women. It is also used in geriatric cases (old people) to improve circulation. A report reveals that one doctor in the US once prescribed large doses of testosterone to elderly ladies. He found out soon that these women, who were in their seventies, were suddenly running after young men, and had developed insatiable sexual appetite.

It is also a fact that women secrete hormones, too, and testosterone concentration in hard-driving successful women is usually much higher than those in traditionally house-wife type of women.

Survey shows that testosterone is a very interesting hormone. Research says “It affects behaviour and behaviour affects it.”

Hormones are all part of the automatic nervous system, which means that they are not under conscious control. When men become extremely successful in their careers and make lots of money, the high levels of testosterone coursing round their bodies make them believe, they are masters of the universe.

If so, how do you think would one use those temporary minutes of elation? Should character be sacrificed sooner? Or should one hold on to sweet prudence?