Why Should You Have a Low Fat Chicken Dinner?

Why Should You Have a Low Fat Chicken Dinner?

Dinner is that meal of the day that brings a family together. It is the best time to promote a healthy approach to eating. A lot of families opt for takeouts and fast foods on a regular basis. But, this easy approach to dinner is ruining the children of tomorrow. Instead of promoting a healthy diet, we are propagating a wrong message about fast foods. We as a community must take the effort to change our dinner pattern and opt for healthier alternatives. One such alternative is having a low fat chicken dinner.

Low fat chicken dinner is not only low on fat but, also high on all basic nutrients that a body requires. It has an abundance of the right proteins and amino acids needed for daily repair and rejuvenation of body cells. It also provides vital minerals such as iron, cobalt, nickel etc. Not only that, it is also easy to digest and easy on the stomach as well. To make sure that you cut down on the entire fat content of your family’s dinner, you will have to start straight from the appetizers to the noodle and casserole. Instead of opting for finger food as appetizers have a soup.

This will act as an advantage, as soups are generally not only fat free and healthy but, also helps in digestion and keeping the body warm. Have a steady source of carbohydrates along with the chicken such as pasta or white rice or vegetable stew. Combine this with another vegetable item such as broccoli or canned baked beans. In the end make sure that the dessert you have with your family is fat free as well because it is the dessert which generally gives an overdose of fat.

You can have it baked, barbecued, and light fried and also by using a crock pot for chicken. Try some chilled salads for the summer, or some gumbo chicken when really hungry. But, there are just a few things you must keep in mind when trying out any low fat chicken dinner. First, the ingredients you are going to use are all fat free or low fat substitutes. For example opt for sodium soy sauce, low fat milk, low fat butter alternatives, olive oil etc. Second, do not use too much oil. Use it sparingly, only when absolutely necessary. Third, when you serve dinner, keep a count on how much calories and fat you and your family are going to consume. Maintain a record of the calorie count and fat count on a monthly basis and try to reduce it as much as you can. This way the only fat that will enter your body is the essential fat which is required to store energy in the body.

So, next time you and your family think of going for a quick dinner, remember why you should rather stay home and cook a healthy meal. Incase you don’t feel up to cooking a meal, then order from restaurants and dinners which advertise the use of low fat ingredients. Use these suggestions and make your self and your family a great low fat chicken dinner every day.