Why Some People Refuse to Accept Reincarnation

Why Some People Refuse to Accept Reincarnation

Over the past 25 years of reincarnation and past life regression research, we’ve encountered many disbelievers. Since you cannot prove reincarnation with physical evidence, some doubt is understandable. However, many skeptics ridicule the concept and refuse to even consider the vast body of evidence for past lives. This is always curious to us, and we’ve noticed three types of people who ridicule reincarnation.

1) The first type of person doesn’t have enough evidence to accept the idea of having lived before. This is understandable, especially since the collective programming in most societies, from birth, dictates that this life is all there is. This undercurrent of conditioning is especially strong in the science and medical fields. Though it’s slowly changing, many medical schools openly ridicule the idea that each body has a soul that has lived before. The students are too overwhelmed and busy to give much energy to anything other than their required learning, so most accept what they are told. In other words, they are taught what to think instead of how to think. As for people who are not in the science or medical fields, they may have more pressing issues to deal with, or simply avoid anything other than trivial pursuits, so don’t give it much thought.

This type of person usually doesn’t know about or may refuse to consider the evidence for past lives. They’re usually unaware that Dr. Ian Stevenson scientifically documented past life memories of children from all over the world for over forty years. More than 3000 cases give the most compelling evidence yet of reincarnation. Dr. Stevenson was a medical doctor and wrote many scholarly papers before beginning paranormal research. He was head of the Department of Psychiatry and a Director of the Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia.

2) The second type of person doesn’t accept reincarnation because that’s what their religion taught them. Their religion specifically teaches that the soul only has one life, and then goes to heaven (if you follow all the religion’s rules) or hell (if you don’t). This type of person doesn’t question authority so they tend to believe everything their religion teaches them.

They may not know that it’s highly likely that reincarnation was originally in the Bible, but was edited out for political reasons. According to Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation by Noel Langley, the Byzantine Emperor Justinian (483-565 A.D.) “summoned the Fifth Ecumenical Congress of Constantinople in 553 A.D. to condemn the Platonically inspired writings of Origen.” These writings apparently referenced reincarnation and the pre-existence of the soul.

They may also believe the myths about past lives. One common myth we hear often is, “Everyone who claims they’ve had past lives always say they were Cleopatra or some other famous person. Why don’t they say they were homeless or a thief? It’s just fantasy.” People who believe they were famous in a past life usually don’t base the belief on past life regression experience. In reality, if you experience past life regression enough times, you’ll see yourself in all kinds of lifetimes and as different races, genders, levels of attractiveness and intelligence, and of various levels of status and wealth or poverty, and probably none of them will be as a famous historical figure.

3) The final type doesn’t want reincarnation to be true. Perhaps the idea of having to come back to this difficult place is too much to stomach. We don’t blame them, but like to remind people that everyone has free will to make the most of life.

However, some people get angry at the mere mention of reincarnation, maybe because it triggers subconscious fear regarding the idea of having to pay for their actions, things they assumed they got away with long ago.

Exceptionally negative people ridicule us for teaching the tenets of reincarnation and karma seemingly because they think, or want to believe, that they are above having to take responsibility for their terrible deeds. They might say it’s naive to believe in reincarnation, even though Socrates, Benjamin Franklin, Plato, Leonardo da Vinci, Edgar Allan Poe, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau all believed in it.

It’s okay to be skeptical of the notion of past lives, and the best way to know more about the concept, as with most things, is through your own research. We believe the best way is going within through past life regression, which unlocks past life memories in your subconscious mind. We’ve found this to be one of the keys to knowing thyself and explaining some of the big questions about your life, and with this comes acceptance, understanding, peace of mind, and empowerment.

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