Why the Mediterranean Diet Works

Why the Mediterranean Diet Works

The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating practiced by the Cretan people of the Greek Islands, and has been found to be one of the healthiest diets on earth. The Cretan people lived long and mostly disease-free lives, much like what we strive for today in America.

It may come as a shock to some people how healthy these people were as there wasn’t nearly the level of health consciousness as we have in America. There was no antioxidant supplements (although they did drink red wine often), no detoxing, no harsh eating practices, and virtually none of the other aspects of health we focus on today. Yet as America’s obesity rate climbs higher and higher, those on the Mediterranean diet seem to stay thin and healthy. They rarely suffer from pain or depression in the way the typical American does, and their rate of chronic diseases is shockingly low.

This leads us to a simple question: why are followers of the Mediterranean or Prasouda diet so much healthier than the rest of us? Certainly there must be some miracle nutrient that’s giving them an edge over the rest of us.

And that’s exactly it. We’re looking for a miracle cure. We want the supplement that stops aging. We want the pill that makes you lean and fit. We pick one nutrient and decide it’s the be-all-end-all of health. We pick another and decide it’s the cause of all our health problems. We eat Gluten Free Fast Food to be healthy, since gluten is clearly the ONLY thing wrong with fast food. We want it to be that simple, but as any good doctor or nutritionist will tell you, it’s not.

Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, healthy living requires a real change. It requires real, nutrient-dense food and a realistic view of what can be expected. It’s about changing our habits, not taking the next hot pill or jumping on the next fad diet. Contrary to what advertisers would have you believe, we already know how to be lean, healthy and generally disease free. People on the Mediterranean or Prasouda diet have been going it for centuries. It’s just a question of whether you’re willing to make a change, or whether you’d rather keep hoping for an easy way out.

The Mediterranean or Prasouda Diet works because it focuses on all aspects of health, not just the current buzzword. If you’re ready to make the jump, you can check out the Prasouda Diet and get realistic about health and weight loss. If not, that’s okay too. I’m sure the health and fitness marketers will be happy to keep taking your money.