Why, This Isn’t NORMAL!

Why, This Isn’t NORMAL!

While, part of living in an ever – evolving world, includes, witnessing certain things, which may seem different, and/ or, trend – setting, never before, in recent memory, have Americans witnessed, such a dramatic change, in policies, rhetoric, behavior, etc, when a new President assumes office! Certainly, our Presidents, want to put their personal – stamps, on their leadership, especially, in the areas of priorities, policies, emphasis, and, how they articulate their messages, etc. However, few, remember, any previous administration, so, dramatically, depart from what we usually consider, the norms, we have become accustomed to! In terms of style, rhetoric, apparent integrity challenges, and polarizing vitriol, President Donald Trump, has been considerably different. He has, both, the highest negative, polling numbers, while, also, having the most loyal, core supporters/ base/ followers. Regardless of one’s political preferences/ ideology, it should be recognized, this isn’t NORMAL! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and the potential ramifications, etc.

1. No niceties: The niceties, we have come to expect, from the occupant of the White House, has certainly, often, been overlooked, by President Trump. He proudly, articulates his disdain, for what he considers, PC, or politically correct, and often resorts to blaming, complaining, and name – calling!

2. Options; opportunities: There is never, only, one way, to proceed, but, rather, it’s important to fully consider, various options and alternatives, in order to seek the finest solutions. Wouldn’t we be better served, if our leader, was ready, willing, and able, to recognize, and seek the finest opportunities?

3. Reality; rationale; rhetoric: Denying essential things, and realities, such as Climate Change, and other environmental concerns, etc, is irresponsible, and possibly dangerous, especially, in terms of future sustainability. Whether it’s his real rationale, or, merely, lots of empty rhetoric, it’s certainly, not normal!

4. Motives; mean – spirited: Some question President Trump’s motives, and whether, they simply, are motivated by his personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interest! Others consider the rhetoric, far more mean – spirited, biased, prejudiced, divisive, polarizing, and, against all prior norms!

5. Attitude; attention; articulate: The President’s apparent attitude, and unfocused, attention, combined with his desire to articulate, often – contradictory statements (Fact – checkers claim, Trump has made over 10,000 misstatements, since elected President), is far different from his predecessor’s behaviors.

6. Listen; learn; lessons; leadership: Only when people, are willing to listen, to differing views, and ideas, and learn. from every conversation, and experience, and respect others, even when we differ, is there an opportunity to learn the lessons, needed, to handle effective, quality leadership. This administration and President are unable and unwilling, seeming, often, to imply, others are not entitled to different opinions/ perspectives.

What we have witnessed, for the past couple of years, isn’t NORMAL, nor, in many ways, particularly healthy, to the nation, and world! Wake up, America, and protect all our freedoms, including liberty, and justice, for all!