Why Would a Man Say He Likes You and Then Withdraw? Here Is Why They Send Mixed Signals

Why Would a Man Say He Likes You and Then Withdraw? Here Is Why They Send Mixed Signals

Are you puzzled by his behavior? Did he come on real strong and then seem to cool off? Don’t worry, plenty of women go through the same experience and wonder as to the reason for this withdrawal just when everything seems to be going so well! Here are some reasons as to why he says he likes you and then withdraws.

He has realized that he was too hasty
Most times, a man who has been driven by passion alone, wakes up when he actually realizes that he has been too hasty in telling you that he likes you. If he feels like he was too impulsive and is regretting his hastily spoken words, he will withdraw in the hope of squashing the whole thing.

He has a deep seated fear of marriage
Maybe he has realized that by letting his feelings be known he is letting you know that he is ready to make a commitment to you. However on retrospect he has found that he has a morbid fear of marriage and cannot really be committed to you in any way. This is the reason he has begun to withdraw from you in spite of the fact that he quite likes you.

He finds out that his feelings are not very strong
Even though he succumbed to a moment of passion and told you that he liked you, he has found out that his feelings are not very strong and he cannot commit to a relationship. Judging from your reaction to his words, he knows that you will want him to get serious and he can’t do that. This is why he has started to withdraw.

He can’t take the pressure you place on him
If you have been putting too much pressure on him too soon, he is bound to start feeling trapped and manipulated. Even though he was not lying when he said he liked you, he has yet to be sure that he likes you enough! If he can’t take the pressure you are placing on him, he will want out!

He finds out that you are not who you pretend to be
Have you been a bit of a disappointment to him? Has he found out to his dismay that you are not who you pretended to be? If this is true then he is not to blame if he loses interest in you and starts to withdraw. He might just stop liking you altogether and withdraw completely.

He already is involved with another woman
Even though he has said that he likes you, don’t take it too seriously until you find that his feelings run deep. The fact that he has begun to withdraw shows that he is not really serious about you. He may already be involved with another woman and his interest in you could be fleeting!

He just wants to tease you
Haven’t you heard of the fact that a man will try to make you chase him by pretending to ignore and lose interest in you? Check and see if he is just trying to tease you after all! He could just be testing you to see if you really love him and try to win his attention all over again.