Will Robert Rodriguez’s Machete Cause Race Riots – Doubtful

Will Robert Rodriguez’s Machete Cause Race Riots – Doubtful

We got to check out Robert Rodriguez’s Machete and what a fun holiday weekend movie. Naturally, some groups are trying to turn Machete into a political lightning rod for immigration, but they’re just helping drive more people to see it as it’s already number one at the box office.

What we really loved about Machete was that Robert Rodriguez got back to his roots and accomplished exactly what he wanted with this film which was to blow lots of shit up and have as much over the top nudity and violence that they could get away with. Well Rodriguez, mission accomplished and well done! We will warn you though, get all your peeing done early and load up on that Big Gulp size drink and oversize popcorn because Machete is a long movie but it a very fun long movie!

Just in the first 5 minutes alone, there are nearly 10 decapitations a few naked women so for all your hardcore Grindhouse fans, this is for you, and for you more PC people, steer clear of this film, unless you want to realize that these kinds of films can be fun and not taken so seriously.

As most of you know, Machete was not ever supposed to be a movie but just a mock trailer for the Grindhouse movie Rodriguez did with Quentin Tarantino, and best action movies ever still feels like he got stiffed by the Weinstein Company when the movie tanked. The tagline alone sold it for a film and we couldn’t stop laughing at “They just fucked with the wrong Mexican” when we saw it at the theater. Here at the best action movies ever offices, that mantra was repeated ad nauseam.

Here’s the synopsis for Machete:

After being royally screwed over by the organization who hired him, an ex-Federale launches an extremely brutal rampage of savage revenge against his former employer. Many have had a daydream about this since our economy went in the toilet.

Again, we loved Machete and what is even funnier is that people like Alex Jones in combination with the Drudge Report have tried to stir the pot that Robert Rodriguez will be responsible for stirring up race wars in Texas and Arizona. I think the groups already responsible are doing it well enough on their own. They just love to have movies to blame for the crap they created. Check it out and have a great time at the movies!