Will You Recognise the Path Forward?

Will You Recognise the Path Forward?

Imagine your dream life for a moment:

You have a fulfilling career that pays well.

It leaves you plenty of time to spend with your loved ones.

Folks adore, respect and recognise you, as you change the world for the better.

Tell me…

Would you recognise the steps towards this life if you saw them?

It’s deliciously easy to imagine the end – how it all turns out once everything goes right. But for everything between here and there…

There’s the old adage that opportunities come disguised as hard work.

But it gets worse than that. A willingness to work hard won’t answer all your problems. Opportunities wear fractal disguises – even when you zoom in and peel back the layers, it’s not always clear what you’re looking at.

This can be a problem with affirmations.

You might not know what you truly want… so your affirmations focus on the wrong thing.

But even if you get that right – which is a big ‘if’ for most of us – that doesn’t mean it’ll all be peaches and gravy for you.

You still have to recognise opportunities when they come.

And then you have to take them.

The good news is it gets easier to spot the chances in your life. After all, that’s one of the main benefits of affirmations. The more you repeat them, the more it trains your unconscious mind to look for what you want in the world around you.

The bad news?

It doesn’t always make it easier to take them.

You still have to act.

That means knowing when the opportunities are real, and not you tricking yourself.

That’s the easy part.

The harder part is when you abandon all excuses, fears and distractions.

Change is hard. It’s literally painful. That can make it easier to run away from opportunities – to lose yourself in distractions like video games and work.

Or to think you don’t deserve this.

But you do deserve this. The fact you’re even making a real effort to change proves you’re worthy.

Besides, plenty of losers make it big all the time. You have more potential – more ‘worth’ – than them. So if they can do it, so can you.

All you need to do is commit, not quit.

Affirmations will only help you if you take advantage of them. The best car in the world takes you nowhere until you drive it.

If you want something badly enough to even consider affirmations, then it’s time to go for it.

Time is ticking.

What will you do now?