Worship Of The Obese

Worship Of The Obese

Primitive tribes in all parts of the world believed in animal sacrifice. Natural calamities were blamed on an angry god who had to be pleased, they felt the way to please an angry god is by offering that god a burning animal. The animal was usually a goat or bull. The animal was then carried to a high location, where it was burned alive. The smoke coming from the burning animal was supposed to wind up in the belly of god. If the natural calamities continued, it was believed that their god still was not satisfied. It was then a time for a human sacrifice. This was thought to be the best way to please god.

The perfect human offering to a hungry god was a young obese woman, the heavier the woman, the better the offering. The only problem these primitive tribesmen had was that obese women were not available. In a famine or drought filled environment there were no obese women. The only way to solve that problem was to raise them as you do cattle. They did this by fattening up children until they reached adulthood. Fat women were treated like nobility, and were taught that it was an honor to be sacrificed as food for god. The children of the tribe begged for the chance to enter that nobility and be fattened up until they were obese. Some of the obese nobility reached a weight of 400 pounds before they were offered to their god in the form of smoke.

In today’s world obese women are not treated as nobility, nor are they desired as food for a hungry god. Nobody tries to fatten up children for the purpose of making them obese, and hungry gods are not believed to exist. Droughts and famines are no longer blamed on a cannibalistic god who creates them as away of obtaining food.

It would become a better world if heavy women were again treated as nobility. But it would not be for the purpose of feeding them to a hungry god. A world full of fat women that were worshiped would be a blessing to those that hate being on a diet.They would be able to devour what ever food they wished and still be attractive to a population that worshiped the obese. Producing this world of heavy women would be easy. The super market shelves are full of delicious foods, and women can be coaxed to eat as much as they wished. They will soon become fat. The hard part would be getting men to worship and love those heavy women. This can be done through the power of advertising