Xowii MLM Home Business Review

Xowii MLM Home Business Review

What Is Xowii?

Xowii is a new company, that has chosen to distribute their products through MLM or multi-level marketing, basing their products around energy drinks.

This means, independent distributors are required to market the product on behalf of Xowii. Xowii is based in Costa Mesta, California, it started as a simple vision of founders James Christiansen and Richard Kelly.

The network marketing industry is evolving at mach 3 speeds right now so their entry into the market is perfect timing, however crowded it may be.

Xowii Products

Xowii has 3 products in its product line. Its flagship product is the Xowii energy. This product features the ingredient KonaRed coffee cherry.

This ingredient is the part of the coffee plant, which lays unused during harvesting. The KonaRed coffee cherry has a blend of antioxidant properties like vitamins, minerals and other compounds that sound highly scientific and the product carries an ORAC value of 5,735.

All these compounds carry benefits such as suppressed appetite, boost to mood and energy and aids in resisting sun damage, that is only a few of the benefits.

Xowii Ultimate is meant to rejuvenate the body and maintain your body’s healing properties and Xowii thin is a product that promotes weight loss.

Xowii Compensation Plan

The Xowii compensation plan allows you to the opportunity to earn revenue on 9 instances, some of these include retail sales, fast start bonus, leader maker bonus, team commissions, leadership pool and founder pools.

The Xowii compensation plan is nothing new and exciting, but is, to its credit, a very popular binary compensation plan.


Xowii is a legitimate MLM home business, with a great line up of products and a well-defined compensation plan. You can go to their website for more detailed information on their energy drinks.

1 of the things I don’t like is the popular binary plan, this is a front loading plan, which in laymen terms suggests you receive the highest rewards if you come in at the very beginning. This is quite unfair.

But I would not count them out just yet. The truth is the compensation plan and the ORAC score have very little to do with the success of an independent distributor in Xowii.

Xowii, emphasizes the use of word of mouth marketing to generate leads and sales, today the internet exists and you can have a lot more leads at much faster rates, than simply taking part in traditional prospecting.

Xowii is a real company and if you believe in their products I highly recommend Xowii. If you treat your marketing as a separate part of your business and learn how to find only targeted and interested prospects, then you can reap massive rewards.